Pooja Hegde and Akhil Akkineni have resumed the shoot of their upcoming Telugu film Most Eligible Bachelor. The two actors took to their social media handle to share a picture of them posing on the sets of the film after getting ready for the shot. The shoot of the film resumed two day back after a gap of nearly 6 months.
In the picture shared by Pooja Hegde, she can be seen dressed in a denim jumpsuit while Akhil Akkineni looks smooth in a violet shirt and grey pants. Sharing the picture, Pooja Hegde said that they were the only two people on the sets without a mask and not social distancing as they have to shoot for a romantic comedy. "The only two people on set not social distancing in an attempt to shoot a romantic-comedy in corona times???????? #shoottime #allprecautionstaken".
Sharing the same picture, Akhil wrote, "What a feeling to get back to work finally ! Life moves on and it feels great. Ps: I promise we are the only ones without a mask on otherwise you wouldn’t recognise us in the film".
Earlier, Pooja had shared a picture where he was seen posing outside her vanity van with two of her team members. "The band’s back together (sic). Glam Squad. Most Eligible Bachelor (sic)," she wrote.
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The band’s back together...???????????? #glamsquad #mosteligiblebachelor
Directed by Bhaskar, this is the first time Akhil and Pooja will be seen together on screen. Reportedly, Akhil will play an NRI while Pooja will be seen as a stand up comedian. The film was initially scheduled to release in May but the pandemic disrupted the schedule. The makers now plan to shoot the remainder of the film in a single schedule and release it early next year.
ALSO READ:Prabhas and Pooja Hegde’s Radhe Shyam poster now has masks courtesy Assam Police
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